The road trip to Texas was LONG, but fairly uneventful.
The night in New Orleans... well I'll just say we aren't going back that way, and I now understand why we never went that way when I was a kid. In fact we are trying to find a way back where we can avoid Louisiana all together. HA! Short of that we are going to eat in Texas and drive like a bat out of hell through Louisiana and spend the night in Mississippi or Alabama. More on how Louisiana doesn't like us either after we get home.
I've barely had time to read email and check up on my critters at home, much less blog since we got here. Which means we having a great time in Texas. In fact my littlest said she is going to write God a letter and ask him if we can move to Texas. How sweet is that? She sure loves having her best buddy, aunt with a pool, and grandparents to spoil her rotten all right here within an hour and a half of each other.
So all you internets out there I haven't forgotten you, I'll be back after vacation.
Cross your fingers our trip home is as easy as the trip here was.
Texas says, "Howdy" back :)
Anonymous said...
April 2, 2008 at 7:11 PM
I have heard that about Louisiana. Have a safe trip home.
Jenn @ Juggling Life said...
April 2, 2008 at 7:23 PM