I saw over at Jenn's place that today was open house. And I went to check out the source. Sure enough Mrs. G at Derfwad Manor had invited everyone to share the heart of their home.
Well, I just love to host a good shin dig. But we were so busy today I'm just now getting around to inviting everyone over. Making me once again late to the party, but I've got makings for dessert and I always have wine. So come on in and join me for the nickel tour.
When you come in our front door, you are in our living room. We used to have a coffee table in the expanse in front of the couch. Then we got a Wii for Christmas. Gotta have priorities.Brian painted both the horse pictures. To the left is a horse collar and an old cash register (on the rehomed coffee table) that belonged to his grandfather.
Note the old dog in the doorway, this is where he always lays as he is not allowed on the carpet, so he gets as close as he can.
My live, laugh, love sign above the mud bench was a present from my hubby. We lived here about 3 years before I found what I wanted to put there.
Here's our kitchen literally and figuratively, the heart of our house. Have a seat at the bar and I'll get you a glass of wine. And we can watch the kids play in the family room from here.
They can check out a book from one of our many libraries, draw at the desk or play with the critters in the cage in the corner.
Or if they like they can feed the chinchilla a cheerio, watch tv or play on the computer that is hiding in the armoire. The Ranch sign was from Brian's other grandfather, shhh, don't tell Sweet Niblets what they raised those chinchillas for. The other two signs say, "Love doesn't make the world go round, it just makes the ride worthwhile." and "Housework never killed anyone, but why take the chance?"
If you look to the left from your seat at the bar you can see our dining area. The living room is supposed to be living/dining room, but not for us. This is where we eat. And this is how I love to see the table, with the leaf out and full of family!
We have lots of plant shelves full of antiques. I'm not about the antiques though, just these particular pieces because they all from Brian's family. That's his grandmother's sewing machine and the milk jug was his dad's when he was a kid on the farm, and the big wooden piece is some type of sausage making bowl.
This is Breanna's bed. You can no longer actually see the floor in there. But I had to show you her bed because we designed and built it. Okay Brian built it, but Bre helped plan it and I did all the sewing.
And of course we couldn't have made Breanna such a cool bed without doing the same for Brooke. Again Brooke helped design, daddy built, mommy painted and sewed.
Last but not least the master bedroom. The bed is comfy and cozy. The room is dark, cool, quiet and I love it.
Now that you've had a look around make yourself at home. Take off your shoes and stay for awhile.
Your house is beautiful-warm and cozy and full of life. I have added your link to the list. Thanks for sharing.
Mrs. G. said...
June 28, 2008 at 12:55 AM
Those beds are terrific. Your daughter is an amazing artist--those are fantastic.
You have to see what I posted way back when I started.
Jenn @ Juggling Life said...
June 28, 2008 at 1:06 AM
Mrs. G thanks for adding me to the list. I had fun visiting all the other blogs!
Jenn, no way you have practically the same old sewing machine! I knew we were kindred spirits. Where do you have yours? I didn't want people (the little kind) playing with this one, that's why it's way up high. Hubby practically killed himself getting it up there, it's so heavy. But you know that!
Karen said...
June 28, 2008 at 1:16 AM
Gorgeous colors, and I love the pieces with history throughout your house.
So...wine, yeah? You're an excellent hostess.
stephanie said...
June 28, 2008 at 2:32 AM
Your daughter's beds are adorable, and your home looks warm and cozy and full of love.
Anonymous said...
June 28, 2008 at 3:16 AM
Love the family artifacts...just lovely, and so so homey.
And those beds! My goodness. If my girls saw those they might start thinking they didn't have a proper childhood (b/c I'm thinking it about my own as well!).
Visiting all the Mrs. G sparked open homes. So nice to visit yours.
Nicole said...
June 28, 2008 at 11:13 AM
I love your house! We have similar colors. Your antiques are great and all the different levels to set things on - awesome.
Thanks for coming by my place yesterday and for sharing your pics.
I'll be back!
Angie said...
June 28, 2008 at 11:58 AM
I now have total house envy. I love everything on your walls, the antiques (I had the same sewing machine in my foyer - what a unique foyer table eh? Until Ex took it. Gee it was his grandmother's so...), the awesome kid beds - you SEW? No way. And your room? TO DIE FOR. Yeah, total house envy. SO after I crash at Jenn's for a while, then I think I'm off to...katy's was it? And then, make room I'm moving in...
The Girl Next Door said...
June 28, 2008 at 2:45 PM
OH and I forgot to tell you what brought me here (other than the open house) - the diet coke in a coffee holder!! I love it. I am a diet-coke-aholic and some of my friends blame me for single-handedly keeping them in business. SO nice to see I am not alone!
The Girl Next Door said...
June 28, 2008 at 2:56 PM
I love these group blog events! I find so many new places to visit. I am glad you all found me. Thanks for all the compliments. I feel like we've definitely made this house our own, which isn't easy considering every other neighbor has the exact same floor plan. Oh suburbia how I love you!
Girl Next Door we love company, come on by! Just be warned those two couches or airbeds are our only extra sleeping spaces. Seems no one wants to climb up top of those lofts to kick the girls out of their beds. Lucky ducks, I always had to give up my room for company as a kid!
Oh and that morning diet coke? Totally me. I don't do coffee. No matter where I go, I've got one with me! Ask my friends. So apparently you've got the northeast market covered, and I'll keep the south east in business.
Now ya'll come back, ya hear!
Karen said...
June 28, 2008 at 5:08 PM
LOVE the colors in the first shots - beautiful eye! Thanks for the peep!!
Minnesota Matron said...
June 28, 2008 at 7:51 PM
Ah man, I miss hanging out at your casa! :'-(
Anonymous said...
June 28, 2008 at 9:51 PM
I am so loving these peeks into my friends' homes! I will let ya'll in next week, my first week of summer vacation!
Jason, as himself said...
June 28, 2008 at 11:21 PM
Doing the Derf tour.
I giggled at seeing your dog in the doorway. Ours does the same thing, because he's not allowed in the kitchen, but he gets as close as he can get.
Love the colors you've used in your home.
Emily said...
June 29, 2008 at 12:26 AM
Too bad you can't just pipe in the smell of Clean Linen...picture complete!! :)
Drama said...
June 29, 2008 at 10:40 AM
My children would be so envious of those beds! They have boring ones... but I do try to give them cute sheets. :) I can't even sew cub scout patches on a shirt, so I wouldn't try to do anything more complicated.
Your house looks like JUST the place I'd love to settle in for a bottle of wine and some girl chat. :)
Unknown said...
June 29, 2008 at 11:00 AM
I love posts like these!
Your house is very homey and comfy!
Anonymous said...
July 2, 2008 at 12:49 PM