My 5 year old daughter has a lunch date today! How freakin' cute is that? She's so excited she is having lunch at McDonalds with her little pre-K boyfriend. He is adorable, his mom is nice and he has an older sister the same age as Brookie's big sister. In fact I first chatted with his mom in the hair color aisle at Walgreens in October because we were both highlighting our daughter's hair for Halloween Hannah Montana costumes. This has potential family BFFs possibilities. And now I feel like I'm going on a date. Will his mom be someone I can talk to for more than the 5 minute wait to pick up the kids?

So get this... apparently Brooke hates peanuts so much she attracts kids with nut allergies! She's not allergic, she just doesn't like peanuts in any form. Her very best BFF since diapers is allergic and since they were together so much Brookie never had peanuts or peanut butter when she was around, which was always! So here's the funny co-ink-i-dink part, her other boyfriend around the block is allergic to peanuts and so is this new school boyfriend!

Off to get spiffied up for our date. What does one wear to a pre-school lunch date at McDs?


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