Something's Different...

Well, actually a few things are new.

Not that you can see, but I am now posting from my lovely new laptop. She was a "Happy Valentine's Day to me" present! (That's our story and we're sticking to it.) I have named her MACkenzie. She was not a planned addition to the family, but I love her just the same! I can send and receive email, I can surf the web, use iTunes and store all my photos, so I'm a happy girl. In addition, apparently this computer (and many others, huh, who knew?) does all sorts of other things too. Maybe I'll learn something new? Isn't she pretty?

The newness of the computer, with it's big pretty screen and fancy photo and email software made my blog layout seem old an tired. Seeing as my web know how consists of copying and pasting code into myspace, I was kind of stuck using the canned blogger layouts. For now I'm happy with what I have. Maybe someday when he's done working on side projects to pay off this computer I'll ask my dear hubby to design me a page. Since his web designs are what pay the bills around here.

Side note, don't ya love that coke ad? Apparently it was part of a Christmas campaign in Australia. Three Wise Men indeed!


AWESOME new laptop...we are shopping for a MAC. let's talk.

February 15, 2008 at 6:06 PM  

Love the new blog design. :-P

February 18, 2008 at 7:19 AM  

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