What do I really have in common with the person who is President? Seeing as I am not Rich, White, or Male, I'm thinking, not a hell of a lot. In turn, can such a person really represent my interests? And as I get older the whole question of how much power the President actually has combined with (what I see as) the "lesser of the two evils" candidates of the recent past, has made me loose any small interest I have in politics.
It wasn't always this way. I remember my freshman year of college being so excited that I turned 18 in an election year. 4 years later I stood outside on a cold day, with my hands in plain sight (ever been to a Presidential Rally and you'll understand) instead of in my pockets waiting to shake hands with Al Gore, Hilary and Bill Clinton. I also remember the HUGE line (everyone living in a college town votes!) I had to wait in to cast my vote for Clinton.
Back even further I remember in elementary school voting in a mock election. They do these to get an idea of which candidate is the front runner, because children vote like their parents. Whoops, except kids like me! Funny I still remember voting for Jimmy Carter and the teachers asking who voted for the same person their parents were voting for and being the ONLY kid who DID NOT! Actually, I "remember" this because my parents like to tell the story to emphasize the point, that even in kindergarten, I was politically the black sheep of the family. My parents have also been known to call and let me know they went to vote, just to counter my vote.
I think I've already given away the fact that I lean a bit to the left. So, I am actually getting excited about a year with both Obama and Hilary in the running. Now imagine my surprise when I took the following Presidential Candidate Quiz and found John Edwards at the top of the list.
81% John Edwards
78% Barack Obama
77% Hillary Clinton
77% Bill Richardson
73% Mike Gravel
72% Chris Dodd
69% Joe Biden
65% Dennis Kucinich
51% Rudy Giuliani
45% John McCain
44% Tom Tancredo
41% Mitt Romney
39% Mike Huckabee
30% Fred Thompson
27% Ron Paul
2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz
Go ahead, take the quiz, you know you're dying to!
Today politics, tomorrow maybe I'll stick it to organized religion! Ha!
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